Friday, December 14, 2012

Blog 15: Social Media

This past week, I did something that I never thought I would do. I got a Twitter.  I have always found Twitter to be pretty dumb and a waste of time.  I never knew why people would want to know every aspect of their "followers" lives. I still don't completely understand it.  Retweeting, favoriting and whatever else people do on their is very odd.  I have always been more of a Facebook person.  Facebook is pretty awesome to me because you can share photos and everything.  That's probably the main reason I use it, so my friends and family can see pictures. 
Twitter is starting to grow on me a little bit however.  I thought to be on Twitter, you had to get tweet updates sent right to your phone, but that is not the case.  So Twitter is basically Facebook, people update their status and can even add a picture along with it. 
I seem to always be the last person to every type of social media because I always start out being so against it.  I never had a MySpace and was late to the Facebook game.  Then about a month ago, I got a Pinterest, which I never thought I would do either.  Everyone said that I would get addicted, which I haven't which is good.  I don't think that is as great as everyone else thinks either.  The only other social media that I really love is Instagram.  I really like taking pictures and sharing them.  Instagram allows you to put cool effects on the pictures you take and to share them with the world.  I like looking on the "Most Popular" page to see the photos with the most likes.  They are usually super cool. 

Here is a picture I took this week and posted it to Instagram.  I thought it was a super pretty sunrise. :)

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